Radio Veronica presents Guns N’ Roses

+ special guest Gary Clark Jr. / Dirty Honey

Radio Veronica presents Guns N’ Roses

+ special guest Gary Clark Jr. / Dirty Honey

  • Donderdag 23 juni 2022
  • SPOT / Stadspark Groningen
  • 17.30 uur: Aanvang evenement
  • (Tijden onder voorbehoud)
  • Thursday 23 june 2022
  • 16:45 start of event
  • (Times are subject to change)

Legendarische rockband op 23 juni 2022 naar Stadspark Groningen

Legendary rock band on June 23, 2022 to Stadspark Groningen

De legendarische rockband Guns N’ Roses komt op 23 juni 2022 naar het Stadspark in Groningen. Het concert, dat deel uitmaakt van hun Europese tour, trapt af met special guest en Grammy Award winnaar Gary Clark Jr. De kaartverkoop start vrijdag 9 april om 10.00 uur via Ticketmaster.

De comeback van Guns N’ Roses in 2016 ging gepaard met een uiterst succesvolle wereldtournee die in 2017 en 2018 ook Nederland aandeed. De Amerikaanse band streek toen met de Not In This Lifetime Tour neer in het Nijmeegse Goffertpark, waar ze hun langste concert ooit speelden. Vandaag, op dinsdag 6 april, kondigt Guns N’ Roses de verplaatsing van hun komende Europese tour aan, inclusief een aantal nieuwe data en hun terugkeer naar Nederland.

“Hey Gunners, unfortunately we need to ask for your patience one more time. Our summer European tour dates will be rescheduled to 2022, but with the added bonus of new shows and special guest Gary Clark Jr! The tour kicks off in Lisbon, Portugal on June 4th, 2022, with new dates in Norway, Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, and Italy. (…)
We continue to be thankful for your understanding and support during these unprecedented times. Light is at the end of the tunnel and we are looking forward to getting back on stage later this year in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and next year in Europe and more!”

Een van de invloedrijkste acts in de muziekgeschiedenis
Sinds de oprichting in 1985 heeft Guns N’ Roses een cruciale rol gespeeld binnen de rockscene. Debuutplaat Appetite for Destruction uit 1987 (met meer dan 30 miljoen verkochte exemplaren wereldwijd het best verkopende Amerikaanse debuut ooit) hield de hele rockwereld in zijn greep. In 1991 bezetten de zevenvoudig platina albums Use Your Illusion I en Use Your Illusion II direct na release de eerste twee plaatsen van de Billboard Top 200. Ook na het verschijnen van het veelgeprezen Chinese Democracy in 2008 heeft Guns N’ Roses overal ter wereld uitverkochte shows gespeeld en festivals geheadlined.

Met zes studioalbums op zak is Guns N’ Roses een van de belangrijkste en invloedrijkste acts in de muziekgeschiedenis en met legendarische liveoptredens weten ze miljoenen fans over de hele wereld aan zich te binden.

Guns N’ Roses bestaat uit Axl Rose (zanger, piano), Duff McKagan (bassist), Slash (gitarist), Dizzy Reed (keyboard), Richard Fortus (gitarist), Frank Ferrer (drummer) en Melissa Reese (keyboard).

Dit concert wordt geproduceerd door MOJO in samenwerking met SPOT Groningen.

The legendary rock band Guns N’ Roses is coming to Stadspark Groningen on June 23, 2022. The concert, which is part of their European tour, kicks off with special guest and Grammy Award winner Gary Clark Jr. 

The comeback of Guns N’ Roses in 2016 was accompanied by an extremely successful world tour that also passed the Netherlands in 2017 and 2018. During this Not In This Lifetime Tour, the American band played  in the Goffert Park in Nijmegen. There they played their longest concert ever. Tuesday April 6, Guns N’ Roses announces the relocation of their upcoming European tour, including some new dates and their return to the Netherlands.

“Hey Gunners, unfortunately we need to ask for your patience one more time. Our summer European tour dates will be rescheduled to 2022, but with the added bonus of new shows and special guest Gary Clark Jr! The tour kicks off in Lisbon, Portugal on June 4th, 2022, with new dates in Norway, Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, and Italy. (…)
We continue to be thankful for your understanding and support during these unprecedented times. Light is at the end of the tunnel and we are looking forward to getting back on stage later this year in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and next year in Europe and more!”

One of the most important acts in music history
Since 1985, Guns N’ Roses has played a vital role in the rock scene. Debut album Appetite for Destruction (with more than 30 million copies sold worldwide the best-selling American debut ever) had the entire rock world in its grip. In 1991 the seven-time platinum albums Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II occupied the first two places of the Billboard Top 200 immediately after release. After release of the acclaimed album Chinese Democracy in 2008, Guns N’ Roses has sold out shows all over the world and has been headliner of many festivals.

With six studio albums under their belt, Guns N’ Roses is one of the most important and influential acts in music history and with legendary live performances they have managed to attract millions of fans around the world.

Website Guns N’ Roses

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