The 7 Fingers

Duel Reality

The 7 Fingers

Duel Reality

  • Dinsdag 14 mei 2024
  • SPOT/Stadsschouwburg, Turfsingel 86
  • 19:35 uur: deuren open Stadsschouwburg
  • 20:15 uur: start voorstelling
  • 21:25 uur: einde voorstelling
  • (Tijden onder voorbehoud)
  • Tuesday 14 may 2024
  • SPOT/Stadsschouwburg, Turfsingel 86
  • 20:15 start of event
  • (Times are subject to change)

Spectaculaire mix van theater, moderne dans en acrobatiek

Arts collective tells an epic love story by using death-defying acrobatics

The 7 Fingers vertelt het epische liefdesverhaal van Romeo en Julia door middel van een spectaculaire mix van theater, moderne dans en acrobatiek!


Het Canadese circuscollectief verandert het podium in een sportarena. Twee rivaliserende groepen proberen zo ver mogelijk boven de ander uit te stijgen. De spelers schieten de lucht in door middel van springplanken, klimpalen en spectaculaire luchtacrobatiek. Terwijl de diabolo’s en jongleerballen hen om de oren vliegen proberen twee geliefden elkaar aan te raken. Er is echter één klein probleem: ze zitten elk in een ander team. Alleen tijdens het spel kunnen ze dichter bij elkaar komen. Dat is voor hen belangrijker dan winnen of verliezen.

Let the games begin!

The 7 Fingers

Het ‘nouveau cirque’ van The 7 Fingers is een spectaculaire mix van theater, moderne dans, adembenemende acrobatiek, clownerie, slapstick en poëzie, overgoten met een passende soundtrack.

“Dual Reality is a spectacle that will truly astonish all who experience it.”

– Edinburgh Festival Magazine

“Very slick, heart stopping, awe inspiring performance.”

– Edinburgh Festival for kids

“The standing ovation of the crowd at the conclusion of the performance speaks louder than words”

– Theatre Weekly ★★★★★

“Genius … I absolutely loved watching this”

– Broadway Baby ★★★★★

“Capturing the audience attention from the outset”

– The Stage ★★★★★

“The final is a poignant reminder that we are more than just what divides us”

– one4review ★★★★★

Deze voorstelling is geschikt vanaf 7 jaar

Production: Les 7 doigts de la main, originally produced and created with Virgin Voyages – Direction Shana Carroll | With: Nicolas Jelmoni, Soen Geirnaert, Danny Vrijsen, Einar Kling-Odencrants, Anni Küpper, Andreas De Ryck, Aerial Emery, Andrew Price, Kalani June, Arata Urawa | Lighting Designer: Alexander Nichols | Costumes Designer: Camille Thibault-Bédard | Production Director: Maude St-Pierr | Technical Director: Simon Carrière | Technical Coordinator: Audrey Belzile | Assistant to the Artistic Director: Anna Kichtchenko | Acrobatic Coach: Francisco Cruz | Musical Director and Composer: Colin Gagné | Lyrics: Colin Gagné and Ricardo Isaias Collier | Musical Arrangements: Colin Gagné, Jean-Sébastien Leblanc, Ricardo Isaias Collier | Vocals: Sophie Beaudet, Katee Julien, Ricardo Isaias Collier, Alexandre Désilets, Mykalle Bielinski | Instruments: Guido del Fabbro (Violin), Cédric Dind-Lavoie (Upright Bass), Jean-Sébastien Leblanc (Clarinet), Olivier Hébert (Trombone), Gabriel Godbout-Castonguay (Piano), Mathieu Roberge (Upright Bass), Jonathan Gagné (Drums), Alexandre Dodier (Saxophone), Raphaël D’Amours (Electric Guitar), Sheila Hannigan (Cello)
The soundtrack contains excerpt from Sergei Prokofiev’s Dance of the Knights, and Lyrics from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

The 7 Fingers boils this epic love story down to the core of its conflict and drop the stage into a sporting arena.

The audience witness to two groups in opposition by default, by desire to rise above the other. Through the provocation and conflict, we catch a glimpse of our star crossed lovers. They are fierce players but still do not seem to care who wins or loses if playing the game can bring them closer together. Competition can be playful at times, it can also be dangerously serious.

The 7 Fingers is an arts collective unlike any other. In 2002, the 7 founders set out to redefine circus by stripping down the spectacle to its thrilling essence.
The contemporary company tells stories using death-defying acrobatics with a life-affirming theatricality that is unique to The 7 Fingers.

Every one of these projects carries The 7 Fingers’ unequivocal mark. The company has consistently spread its horizons by mixing genres and exploring new ways to tell stories. Fascinated by the human condition, The 7 Fingers create performances that celebrate our world, our time and our humanity. Their shows tour the globe and bring audiences to their feet wherever they go.